Most people start with an idea and immediately jump right into product creation. In contrast, I want to prepare my framework in advance so I can identify risks, validate my assumptions, and, in the long run, save myself a lot of wasted time, money, and effort that comes with putting the cart before the horse.
Who do you want to reach (X who want to achieve Y)?
- Target Audience Criteria
- Large # of People
- Irrationally passionate about topic
- Have disposable income/money to buy
- Have their own communities
- Have their own celebrities
What do they want to achieve?
- Core aspiration
What problems are they struggling with (what’s standing in their way)?
- Core Obstacle
- Are they actively searching for help? (If so, bonus points)
- List 5 burning pains this group might have
Where can I reach them (where are they already congregating)?
- Traffic Sources
- Most companies get stuck figuring out where their most obvious buyers are and how to reach them so they will engage with their sales process.
- Driving Traffic – The process of getting people to come to your funnel (Ads, social media, email, sales people)
- Congregations: Groups of people gathering together based on similar beliefs, aspirations, values, and ideas. (Search Platforms with their keyword searches and search result pages also qualify as congregation points).
- The internet makes it easier for us to reach our most obvious buyers where they “congregate” and avoid the expensive hurdles of traditional media and sales approaches – LEVERAGE.
- 3 Answers You Must Get About Your Most Obvious Buyer
- Who are they? (This isn’t demographics)
- What do they desire?
- What are their pains (frustrations, and/or challenges)?
- How do they search for help online?
- Where are they congregating?
- What email newsletters do they subscribe to?
- What organizations/associations are they actively involved in?
- What magazines/blogs do they read?
- Who do they follow/social media groups do they belong to?
- What books are they buying on Amazon/courses are they taking?
- How can we get a customer to leave the congregation and checkout our funnel?
- How can we divert attention AWAY from what they are currently doing?
- How can we interrupt them long enough for the to click on our ad and visit our website?
- Who are they? (This isn’t demographics)
Who is already serving them now and what are they offering (Red Ocean)?
What solutions can I offer them (How can I remove the barrier) (Blue Ocean)? Tell
- List 5 info products you could potentially create to eliminate this group’s pain.
- New Opportunity Types (x-axis = Concentration; y-axis = Continuity)
- Product Based – Written, Audio, Video, Physical, Platform [Info Products, Physical Products, Software Products]
- Video Course
- Master Class
- Audio Course
- Ebook
- Physical Book
- Membership Based
- Client Based – Group or 1:1 coaching
- Private Coaching
- Group Coaching
- Event-Based
- Bootcamps/Workshops
- Classroom Training
- Virtual Summits
- Conferences
- Shows
- Product Based – Written, Audio, Video, Physical, Platform [Info Products, Physical Products, Software Products]
- New Opportunity = Hook, Story, Offer, Lead Magnet, Tripwire, Core Offer
- How to x WITHOUT [P]!
- Organize the new opportunities into a Value Ladder
- Provide insane amounts of value at each step of the ladder so buyers naturally want to ascend, get more value, and pay you more money.
- Use value ladder to figure out what products and services I need to add so that my Most Obvious Buyers move from my bait to my high-end services.
- Front-End:
- Lead Magnets: Free Offers
- Middle-End:
- Tripwires: Ebook ($47), Video Course ($197),
- Core Offers: Less than $300
- Back-End:
- Premium Upsells: $300+ (Live workshop – $500 – $3000, 1:1 Consult ($297), Premium Course ($997),
- Done-For-You Services
- One-Time Purchase Events
- Subscription Programs: Membership-Based, Client-Based, Subscription-Based
- Convert the Value Ladder into a funnel
- A funnel moves people through the sales process: They enter as a prospective customer and our job is to convert as many as possible into repeat customers by selling to them at the front, middle, and end of our value ladder.
- The more offers we have, the more each customer is worth to our business.
- Immediately after a customer buys something, they are offered an upsell or 2 before they leave the page.
- After they buy, we use multichannel communication to build the relationship and encourage them to purchase other products and services we sell.
- Example: Lead Magnet
- Announcement: Have you downloaded the “xyz” yet? Learn how to go from [before state] to [after state] WITHOUT “P [struggle]”.
- Fulfillment – Congrats! You’ve just taken the first step towards…[Ideal After State]
- Example: Lead Magnet
What are the multiple ways I can profitably monetize the interaction? Build – platform/product
If at any step I have trouble finding items for each one, I’ll observe what other players in the space are doing (benchmarking/funnel hacking). If there are no other players, I will step back and re-evaluate demand for my idea — perhaps market demand isn’t ripe enough yet.